FormSuite v6.0 - Updated
Process Filled Images against Form Sets using the Forms Processing Server
Developer Guide > How To Use Forms API > Process Filled Images against Form Sets using the Forms Processing Server
  1. Using the FormAssist application, create Form Set(s) to define templates and processing instructions for any images you want to process.
  2. Create input and output directories:
    1. Place images to be processed in the InputDirectory.
    2. After processing, the results are placed in the OutputDirectory.
  3. In a Command window, start the Forms Processing Server. Use the syntax:
    ConsoleFormsProcessingServer.exe FormSetFileName InputDirectory OutputDirectory [-singlethreaded] [-donotsortoutput] [-copyinput]
  1. When the server starts, it creates four subdirectories under the OutputDirectory:
    1. Success -  Form Images and XML Results for form images that were identified and processed without error.
    2. ProcessedImages - Original images from the Input directory. The image files are moved from the Input directory by default unless the [-copyinput] is used, which will keep the images in the Input directory and copy to the Output directory.
    3. FailedIdentification - Form Images that could not be identified successfully.
    4. ProcessingError - Form images and XML results for form images that were identified successfully but failed in the processing phase.

As the server processes the images in the InputDirectory, the output results are placed into one of the four OutputDirectory subdirectories (described above).

How the Forms Processing Server Processes Images

  1. If the form set specifies it, the unknown image will be enhanced using ScanFix Xpress:

Typical processing operations you might require at this stage includes deskew, border removal, and despeckle. These operations will help FormFix to match the unknown image to a form template. The image resulting from ScanFix Xpress operations is the "Enhanced Image".

  1. FormFix uses the properties from the Identify Properties in the form set (see image above in step 1). The identification process will result in a match to a form template, or no match:
  1. Finally, ICR, OCR, and OMR processing are performed on the fields to extract filled-in form data:
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